Originally Posted by Theo Gallus
Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by Augie
Osage Orange won't come back from the dead, but I wouldn't stick a freshly-cut piece of it in the dirt next to my pond.

Dang it!

Just went back to edit and add the grinning emoticon to denote that I was joking.
If you dig a ditch cutting Hedge roots, new trees will sprout on both sides of the ditch.

Our Honey Locust is the same way. Cut down several when I first started clearing brush at our property. Apparently the roots have "nodes" that will propagate a new tree - or 50.

I now nuke them (and Osage Orange) with Pathway applied to a fresh cut stump in the fall when the sap is running down to the roots. Pathway is 2,4-D and picloram. It is a systemic herbicide and is not supposed to be used near bodies of water.

I have even seen it kill Honey Locust trees 40 feet away that I did NOT treat. I assume the trees were connected via their root network?