Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to go with the dark side guys north of the red river. Last summer beat me down with multiple triple digit heat days in the teens. Our heat pumps struggled to keep the house comfortable, bedtime temps near 90 for weeks, our chickens quit laying, the goats really struggled with the unmanageable heat, and I saw more guys bailing hay after dark then ever before. We're comfortable with these low temps after negative temps hit on Feb 19 2021, and we've got plenty of propane for the house, nonfreeze faucets for the critters, and split wood for the shop, to keep things warm. We "should" be able to skate through the next few days.

February 19, 2021.
8" of ice, and the first and only time I'll walk out on the pond.
[Linked Image from]

Last edited by FireIsHot; 01/13/24 04:38 PM. Reason: ADD