Originally Posted by FishinRod
Do you normally hear the coyotes howling at dusk in the distance? If so, did you hear them yesterday too, or did your rabbit call significantly change the coyote behavior?

I heard the coyotes howl almost every time I worked until dark at the farm this fall. They would start up on one side of me, and then there would be a reply in another direction. Sometimes I would even hear a third group.

However, the way that sound carries, I have no idea how close the coyotes were.

I do normally hear them at dusk, and that’s when they generally show up in the game cameras. But I’ve spotted a few recently mid afternoon just driving around. I heard zero the night I tried calling. Now I know I called way too much. I’ll try again in a month, and I’ll call for a short time and wait. I might try that fawn call too.
Nothing seems to cut into our coon population but me. Definitely seeing more vultures around than a few years ago. And,, we are seeing more turkeys too.

9 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep.
RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (going away), SMB, and HSB (only one seen in 5 yrs) Restocked HSB (2020) Have seen one of these.
I think that's about all I should put in my little pond.
Otter attack in 2023