Mrs. Augie had a rough deer season this year. It wasn't as bad as last year when we were both laid up with the covid and couldn't hunt at all, but it wasn't great.

She missed a nice buck opening morning. Then she missed another nice buck the 2nd weekend of the season. She never misses so it was apparent that something
was out of whack with her optics. I set up a target and found the gun was grouping perfect elevation but 10" to the right at 50 yards. I was able to bring it back to center
but she didn't have time to hunt the remainder of that season segment. That was the first time in the 25 years since I bought that rifle for her that I needed to touch
the adjustments on the scope. Not bad for a 3x9 Tasco $100 wallymarts special.

But... I can't have much faith in a scope once they lose their zero like that so Saturday morning I went to a local gun shop and bought a $250 3x9 Vertex. They mounted
and bore sighted it and I took it home and half a box later had it dialed in and back to shooting dimes. The Vertex optics are made in the US and carry an unconditional
lifetime guarantee. If it holds up as good as the old Tasco it will last far longer than she will.

Sunday afternoon Mrs. Augie went out and dropped a nice fat doe dead in her tracks. I finished the butchering after work yesterday and dropped the boneless
meat off at the locker plant over lunch today. It won't be done in time to pass out for Christmas gifts, but there will be ~50lbs of jalapeno/cheese slim jims coming
after the first of the year.