Guess I was wrong. Took some searching but I did locate Dottie's age at death. 14 years.

Dottie was 29.5 inches long at 14 years. To me, that is difference between Florida and Northern LMB. How long they grow in their lifetime. Even so there are a few notable Northern's in terms of length. Ohio's state record was 25 1/16" long and had a RW of 140. Kansas' state record was 28.5" long but was less than 80 RW. Wonder what its potential could have been or if was much larger in weight before finally being caught. Kansas' record is long enough to wonder if it might have had Florida genes. Length is really the only thing that keeps Dixon Lake LMB from growing even larger. There is a limit to how long and how fast they grow long. But for as long as they grow they can be 150 to 180 RW which packs a lot of pounds on their frames.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers