Update on my approximate 4.5 acre lake project and the alkalinity. The 3000 pounds of ag lime raised the alkalinity to 15-20 range. Can’t be more precise on that result due to the test kit I’m using. Added another 1000 pounds of ag lime in July and that barely made a difference in alkalinity. Sampling results with my field test kit showed alkalinity over 20. Maybe a little over.
Then the drought set in and my lake is down to about half its normal size. Water depth is down about 7 feet. My deepest area is now 15 feet. I have ran ph and alkalinity a few times over the last few months. The alkalinity has dropped a little but not more than 15. Ph still swings thru the day, but not as much as before. Ive gotten 7.8 to 8.5, 8.5 was during the hottest days when the lake was at its lowest.
I have not added any thing else since late spring out of concern that it would do more harm than good. The lake has taken a hit to the fish in it and I removed a lot of small bass throughout the summer. Despite the culling, I believe I had some die off and what survived did not grow much due to the conditions.
My short term plan is to continue raising alkalinity next spring once the water level rises hopefully. I would like to add about 5000 pounds of ag lime based on last years addition and result.
I know it’s not optimal, but if I can achieve a consistent alkalinity of 40-50 without ph swings, I will be happy.