Thank you very much Fireishot,
I know Brian from his early days starting up MadriverOutfitters. Most all my fly gear is purchased at his store...His staff have and are go to folks.
Have gone on his guides to fly fish for carp over the years -- a tug-of-war battle...carp on a fly you will remember.

Your comments are just in time. Was going to add a dozen LMB [8"--10"] to handle the growing numbers of small BG [not sure the HSB are consuming enough] but your comments are in line with my intuition...the larger BG do eat the small fry as their stomachs indicate. The blue heron tends to harvest the smaller BG too, and sadly spear a few large BG too [caught a 9 inch BG with a none deadly wound clear through it's upper gut area; the wound was healing or at least it appeared to be. The bull frogs are not as fortunate. The frog population of 40+/- a few dropped to nearly zero! The summer evening frog songs are missed...hoping the tad poles will bring replacements with spring.

Thanks for your thoughts and experience.
Have a safe and fantastic holiday season.