Also giving some thought to selling. 80 yoa and had the place about 40 years. About a year ago, arthritis hit me hard. I can’t do the stuff I used to and need to. Having to depend on others and I hate that. Son in law recently changed out the actuators on my front end loader.

133 acres that I paid $43,560 for and now realtors tell me I can get a million bucks for it. Why? There is a mass migration to Texas from California and lots of other places. And, lots of them want their own “ranch”. All trees, rocks, some deer and lots of hogs. Hogs have eliminated my rattle snakes. Shooting range with stations at 25, 50 and 100 yards.

Can only get around on it with a 4 wheeler. Realtor buddy tells me my POS land is what buyers are looking for. Nobody wants a farm.

The tax hickey would be massive.

It’s my get away from town sanity place.

Don’t know that an infusion of cash would improve my way of life.

Once again, I’ve talked myself into keeping it. Not yet; not just yet.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP