Thank you sir for the detailed reply.

To provide more information, the pond definitely catches surface waters subsequent to large rain events. In fact, much of the surrounding area drains into this pond, with the pond draining into an adjoining swamp, and the swamp draining many miles away to a large lake.

Still, I know the land well, and while much of it floods, the part I want to build on does not.

As far as I know from what the old timers in the area say, the pond was dug out of an existing wetland after world war II. There is no obvious dam. I have not observed a clay line on the pond slopes, but then again, I wasn't looking for one.

Can you recommend a resource to educate myself on general pond optimization?

I think I am just out of my depth here and will need help. How do I find someone who knows what they are talking about? Very few will have the attention to detail that you do. I am in Northwest Indiana if you recommend anyone.

Thanks again.

P.S. I sent you an image of the pond if you wish to comment further.