Originally Posted by FireIsHot
Scott, you, Kenny, and I have commercial haul tanks, which are by far the best scenarios. Let's suppose that we don't, and we want to do a 2 hour transport with 10# of 2-3" BG. The hatchery doesn't provide boxes and bags. What type of rig would you guys build?

10# of 2"-3" Bluegill could be transported for 6+ hours in a 150 quart igloo cooler, with the micropore diffuser set-up like George used for the HSB (with flow control valve with pressure set @ 45-50 psi), and the appropriate salt/chemical cocktail (ask the hatchery what they use to treat the water to haul fish). You will need to have an O2 meter to check O2 levels 15 min after the fish go in the cooler, again another 15 min, then again in 1/2 hr and if the O2 doesn't need a big adjustment, then you can go an hour. Make sure the water temp is in the low to mid 60's too.......


You need to drill a hole in the lid to allow the O2 hose to get inside. The lid needs to be locked down. Don't transport in your car trunk, water WILL splash out. Besides, this thing will weigh around 350 pounds with fish and water.

Fishinrod, that was just the tanks that I had in the truck. Now multiply that by 3x for what's on the trailer........ I can haul close to 1,200 gallons of water, 1,300 if I push it.





Then you have to get the 1/4" hose, and all the brass fittings/hose clamps to make it work. Then basically double those supplies because you need to have at least one extra of everything to ensure that you aren't stuck somewhere when something goes wrong. It's only $$$ after all.

Last edited by esshup; 09/26/23 02:54 PM.


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).