I, agree totally with Essup, especially the O2, but please note, NO O2 on my trailer . Yes, it's possible that zinc may be an issue, but, 70+ hours of hauling , times 4 tanks is 280 hours of use. Not a single dead fish attributed to zinc. Maybe all 10-15 fish that I've lost in 280 hours of exposure were Zinc related , out of thousands of fish transported, doubt it, but if so, not bad odds. No salts, no electrolytes, just water. Best I can tell, I haven't built a battery. Transported SMB, WE, YP, FHM, GSH, GC, Moz. TP, with same excellent results. I've been reading posts for hours every day , I mark "all threads" , and read every entry , on page 32 of "Renovating Ponds" currently , and I've seen a consistent line of thought " how to use what I have or build my own " and " thinking outside the box " and in the end, use what you can glean, but also apply your experience, yes ? With my experience, what I've read on the "Aquaculture" Web sites the last 48 hours ( I've taken your zinc concern, very seriously ) , the livestock drinking from these tanks their entire lives , and my fish only exposed to the "risk" at most 26 hours total , I'm thinking it works. Now, if I was hauling fish for someone else, I may have a completely different outlook, it's someone elses property , I would pay to replace , I would want salts and electrolytes , etc. *** So a Disclaimer *** I'm not a professional Fish hauler, and I will not haul your fish for you, my set up has worked well for me , may not for you, according to some who know much more than I, , you could lose your entire load of fish .. Use what I have done , if you wish , but remember the pros don't recommend it. ***
Now, a side note, out of 5 fish farms I've used, none have raised a caution about my arrangement. Second, the last farm did throw in salt before I knew what he was doing , 50 lbs. of TP and 6 GC made it home without a single death.***Please don't use O2 unless properly trained*** I promise, if and when this arrangement bites me , you know where (below the belt), I will without delay, Post a thread letting everyone who reads this incredible forum, know of my disaster. I will not allow my Pride to cause any delay. Final note to this long post, I have utmost respect for Essup, Dr Perca, Snipe, all the moderators , I look to all of you as my Elder Brothers in the pursuit of all things Ponds and Fish. If I've crossed any lines, my sincerest apology , God bless each of you, and your loved ones.

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