Hey canyoncreek thank you for the input you ask my goals are... this is my situation I fought cancer about 11years ago i won but at a cost I have neuropathy in both hands and feet and lost most of my vision this makes things much more difficult but i do the best i can with what i have at least i am not setting in a rocking chair feeling sorry for myself I was telling a friend the other day how do you know what your limitations are unless you bump up against th em every now and then lol now that being said I want a pond I can take my grandson to primary i would like large mouth, bluegill, black crappie and walleye as my predictor fish I have already added 60 lbs of fathead that are breeding like crazy i want to add shell cracker and crayfish to add to the forage fish after reading in here i am hesitant to do to many channel cats again all input is appropriate keep the ideas coming

blind guy

Last edited by blindguy; 08/16/23 04:41 PM. Reason: spelling