If someone can give advice on how to get a walleye that we never can see and are not exactly sure is even there to bite on something (lure, live bait, technique, time of day?) I hope to stock some more YP and if there are 14-16" WE in my pond they will make those stockers disappear very rapidly I'm afraid. I think instead of WE being a put and take bonus predator it might be a little more of a hungry predator then I can keep up with in my tiny pond especially if there are 5 or 6 in there and not 1 or 2.

I'd like to switch my apex predator to SMB and fellow forum member Ron Crimson lives close by and is doing amazing things growing and pellet training SMB and YP. So the goal is to remove WE (and IF we can catch one or more we will at the same time be able to determine if any survived, how many, what condition they are in)