With a temperature profile like the one shown above AND with water clarity of at least 4 ft with 11 ft of pond depth and no aeration you should grow trout in that pond until the water clarity drops to 3ft. When that happens in July -Aug the trout will very likely die. I suggest that you perform two more temperature profiles. One in mid July and one in mid to late August. Also record water clarity with these tests. Use a Secchi disk or a home made all white one for most accurate clarity measurements. Clarity measurements will provide a good idea of depth for DO production. Post the results here in this thread. This info will give a good idea how well trout might survive next year if your water stays with 2023 clarity of 6-7ft for a 11-12 ft deep northern pond.

Fertilizing is very risky.
Lusk's recommendation of ideal clarity of ~24" is not qualified and meant for application in southern fish productivity ponds. Dr Dave Willis Fishery professor PB member recommended not to fertilize northern fish ponds. Fertilization only works well with owners experienced with fertilization or they are temporarily lucky. Long term fertilization without careful monitoring the pond is prone to a DO crash due to development of too strong of a bloom (vis 8"- 13") that consumes too much DO during several cloudy rainy days. Dave Beasley at Solitude Lk Mgmt and Troy Goldsby well known Professional Lake and Fishery Manager have also discussed this problem in PB Mag on internet Sitting Dockside. Over fertilized blooms usually cannot have the brakes put to them and numerous problems often occur. After years of use we are now discovering or learning that fertilization with an improper balance of nitrogen - phosphorus can often produce blooms composed primarily of Cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae) and not the beneficial other groups of planktonic algae. Very few places have the ability to properly identify what algae species are causing green water. Green water is NOT always beneficial for good water having ample zooplankton / fingerling foods. These 'Cyano' algae can be toxic and be problematic and are definitely not good beneficial fish food.

Some of the new pond fertilization philosophy "ideas" or concepts are now saying that the ideal clarity is around 30"-36" and not the old 16"-24" visibility. The increased clarity ideas of 30"-36" are to less likely to have Cyanobacterial blooms and still have good fish production. Visibility of 36" usually allows natural DO production down to around 6-6.5 ft.

Trout - No matter what species of predator type fish you stock including trout, I would stock some ( 2-3 lbs) FHM ASAP to get them started before adding trout or your other fish. No pellet feeding means the number of predators (trout) that you stock should be fewer numbers than those for a higher production type of pond where fish are fed pellets and / or pond is fertilized. . The more fish that are introduced and allowed to multiply the more likely the water clarity will decrease. Feeding pellets will also reduce water clarity and make it happen sooner due to increased fertility and higher amounts of fish production. More fish means more manure and more manure means more fertility to grow more plankton and reduce water clarity.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 07/06/23 09:31 AM. Reason: enhancements

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