Noticed today that the first batch of FHM spawn for the year must be gone I don't see any of them anywhere in the pond anymore, but I also noticed thousands of tiny fry everywhere in the pond, so I suspect the next spawn is just hatching and looks like a good start numbers wise. Between the first spawn and now the weeds in the pond have grown up, so there is quite a bit of cover now, so hopefully a few more of this spawn will survive. Seems like the FHM don't live too long, so I'm hoping I have some fish grow to maturity to keep the forage base alive for a while longer... I know the gill fry will soon become the new forage base, but I'm really hoping I can keep the FHM's going, I think they really help the bigger fish grow fast... Still haven't seen any of the gill or the LMB, but I'm pretty sure they are still in there... Really hard at this point waiting to see the results... Later J