
We have gar in our creek. However, they are smallish spotted gar and not monster alligator gar.

I have never seen one that did not have a long, developed snout - BUT I have never seen a really small one either! (Of course, if I did see a juvenile gar that DID NOT look like an adult, I would probably have misidentified it.)

The fish in your photo look like some kind of rough fish to me. IF true, then certainly NOT a species you want in a managed pond.

Are you familiar with many of the rough fish species? Usually identifying those requires some local knowledge since there are multiple similar species of buffalo, suckers, redhorse, etc.

They do look like they could be immature red drum? Are you familiar with those?

I was going to advise that you try and catch some for examination, then realized how difficult that might be - when you don't know the species!

I think better advice would be to go over with your neighbor to the "pond maintenance" company's facilities and have them dip out a few of these "Coppernose BG" for your examination!