Originally Posted by anthropic
Are you actively farming and/or ranching on your land, or is it more of a place for recreation?

Yes, we have 100 acres of dry land wheat planted in most years. The modern cultivars are damned impressive! Our average rainfall is about 30" per year, but we have been in a persistent drought and our creek quit running this fall. Yet we still planted winter wheat in October.

It is still so dry at our place that I have poison ivy along our barbed wire fence lines in full sun that has not yet leafed out. However, the wheat managed to access every bit of soil moisture and looks decent!

We also have 115 acres of native tall grass prairie that a neighbor cuts and bales for his cattle. It is greening up, but is very short for this date. I think the survival trait of those grasses is to barely grow during a drought and to retain energy in the deep roots and just wait for when the rains finally come.

We did get 0.45 inches last night, so that should help all of our various plants!