Update on my efforts to address the low alkalinity. I added 3000lbs of ag lime, purposefully going a little below the recommended amount by Texas A&M since I was not sure about the average depth info I provided with that sample submission. I did purchase the Lamotte Test kit, and 3 weeks after adding the ag lime I ran a couple of samples. The results show alkalinity at around 6-7ppm. It is a little lower than I had hoped for, but we have had some heavy rains and there was some small flow through the lake at the time of sampling. All of this to say that I don’t think I would be able to keep up with adding enough ag lime as things are now. I believe that reducing acidic sources from the drainage (pine trees), liming the surrounding soil where those pines where, and then adding limestone base in the feeder and a few other areas for erosion control will only help my alkalinity battle. I will update this project on alkalinity in a few months, as I unfortunately can only work on this on the weekends and it will take me longer than I would like.