So feeder is set up and running for 3 days now. Was running just 1second 7am and 7 pm to see if they were eating. Went today and ran a test at 3pm and they were ready. When i say they though, i mean the trout. They went nuts. The LMB and BG participated, but just here and there, but not the frenzy like the trout. I am planning on culling most the trout out over time but my question is, should i be concerned they'll inhibit the BG and LMB from their potential by dominating the area and get them out sooner than later?

I also noticed the trout wouldn't bite any lures. Back in Jan/Feb they hit anything i threw. Today it was pellet only. Guessing that is just the way it'll be until water cools off again?

Last, I'm reaching out to hatcheries next week. I think i want to try some CNBG and also re-up some minnows while at it. Place is in Central South MO if anyone has a suggestion on that. Thanks