We stocked some 12-14" Camelot Bell LMB are few years ago. We also routinely stock 3000 or so pure Florida fingerlings every year. In theory the constant influx of Florida genetics should offset the presence of some native LMB and give us predominately Floridas and F1 LMB in the lake. We also stock shad as needed, 40,000 last year on top of a good survivor class, and we have a thriving bluegill population with native, CNB, red ear, long ear, etc. We see a good many 7# fish, 6 last week, some 8-9#, and a few times a year we see double digits. My personal best was 8.6# and 12.5# in the same day. Lake record is over 15#. This lake has had Florida genetics for over 40 years since Charlie Inman used it for his personal lab before bringing Floridas into the Texas P&W hatchery system.

Ross Canant