Originally Posted by jpsdad

The brown spawn fall while the rainbows are spring spawners. The precise time I will defer but consistent with this the eggs of your fall caught trout, the brown was close to ready but the rainbow was not. I would look for the rainbow eggs some time after ice out noting the water temps and date. Same can also be said of the browns only you would start end of September. You might do some research on optimum spawning temps which might provide a better start for your attempts.
Thanks very much for your response. I wasn't too sure when the rainbows would have eggs, as for some reason the hatcheries I've seen here have loose hens in the fall and spawn them in the fall. But it seems it must be spring due to the immature eggs in that rainbow in my pond.

I will try keeping a brown towards the end of October to see how the roe is coming along. Hopefully I can get this keyed in as the roe is a huge bonus to have.

Thanks again.


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