
Those Pacu are growing fast, have a few in my pond. After 3 years of growth many are over 12 pounds and super mean on a rod and reel. However, they are starting to become a pain in the arse, as they are very aggressive eaters and over compete with the other species at feeding time. Also they have almost a "human" set of teeth which is hard on monofilament lines when I am trying to target the finicky Tilapia or other species. The Pacu are very intelligent and when they get older become dificult to hook on lines strong enough to battle them in. When I do land the Pacu now I am removing them from the pond.

I see your pond size is not so large, will you be doing the annual "suknam" (pumping out) or do you plan to manage the lake through the years?

See the boy in the photo is having a grand day, so sure you must have had one also. In Thailand its great to take a kid fishing (like elsewhere!).
