If the contractor insists on something that you do not want like steel pipe that will rust out, I recommend a different contractor. You are just asking for trouble employing someone who insists on inferior materials against your wishes. It is remarkable how hard it often is to find a good pond contractor. I was really lucky on my 1st pond, but that contractor retired. My 2nd pond was tough and took 4 different contractors and it still has flaws. I built my last 2 ponds myself, the last of which appears to leak. I suspected it would because I really could not seal up some sand veins properly with my small equipment due to the "quick-sand" conditions. It seems to stabilize about 4' below full pool and might seal up over time, but I know that is wishful thinking. It will still make great wildlife habitat and support fish. The FHM are reproducing like crazy. Have not settled on what else to add. Best of luck on your project!

Last edited by RAH; 09/07/22 04:48 AM.