I wish we had found you sooner as well! But hindsight is great, we’re certainly learning a lot but we assumed the pond contractor knew what he was doing. We kept telling him that the pond didn’t start dropping water until the hole opened up in the ground at the bottom of the dam, gushing out gallons of water but he kept saying they were unrelated. He was also saying the lack of rain was responsible for the water loss. Maybe to an extent but we have all clay soil and springs in the area and both times the pond was dug, it filled quickly and retained water for the last 2 years. We just received an $11,000 quote from him for a waterfall and pump to recycle the water from the base of the dam back up into the pond. I was never completely on board with this idea and so far the soilfloc seems to be working and our pond is slowly refilling. I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed at this point, both with the contractor and the pond. I’ll try to post links to pond photos from before the leak, after the leak and pictures of the area he treated with bentonite. The green/purple color is pond dye. Thank you for your help!




Last edited by Dunkinspond; 07/20/22 01:22 AM.