
Welcome to Pond Boss!

A 5-acre pond is a world-class swimming hole. Are you putting in your swimming enhancements while your water is just in the central channel?

Lots of old threads on Pond Boss for fun things. I think there are floating swimming docks, zip lines, beach advice, etc.

As regards your water quality, which state is your "Alma"? (There are lots.)

A few fish can actually enhance the water quality. A species that eats mosquito larva is almost always a good idea - and will definitely improve the family time when you are out of the water.

Some other fish can keep down weeds or algae, without impacting swimmers. I believe bluegills are the worst for nipping at swimmers, but there are a few others.

Your brown film could be either organic, or inorganic. The proper solution will therefore depend on the correct diagnosis. You might need a few inexpensive chemical tests after the pond re-fills and stabilizes. Was the old pond surface run-off only, or did you add well water when swimmers were experiencing the brown film?

Aeration should help with the stagnant "feel" of the pond and help your overall pond health. It should also reduce the rate of "muck" build up in your pond, and therefore extend the life of your pond.

Do you have AC power to the pond? That will help the people that give you proper aeration advice.

Good luck on your newly renovated pond project!