Early on in my pond life I would get some sinking catfish pellets to feed what at that time was my small CC. I found they were really skittish at taking food off the surface. So for a couple of years I would mix in some sinking catfish food pellets when I was feeding mostly floating pellets. I know feeding sinking pellets a person can not tell if all of it is getting eaten. But where I was feeding maybe a fourth sinking and by the action of the fish I never figured any of it went to waste on the bottom of the pond.

The BG would go after the pellets and it seemed to me they preferred to eat off the bottom in shallow water rather than off the surface.

I haven't fed any sinking for a few years as the CC got larger and have no problem coming running when they figure out it is feeding time. I do still see a few though that will frantically search the bottom wanting to eat but for some reason will not surface.

If I was wanting to grow more pounds of fish I probably would get a small percentage of sinking food for the CC. But as it stands, I will be lucky to harvest enough fish from my ponds now, so growing more pounds is not a big goal. I also like medium sized fish and fast action. I usually fish for BG (wife is the CC angler) and catch a little bit of everything. But pan fish size and quick action is my preference. I leave the giant LMB for friends that like such stuff. Too much work for me to catch big fish! ;-)


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