I just got off the phone with Raccoon Valley & they say they have RES & expect their Specklebelly in a couple of weeks. They did confirm that the Specklebelly are BRES, so that's good to know for sure.

Guy also said all their fish are feed trained, though I'm sure that's a misunderstanding between however they feed their fish in captivity vs. actually pellet training.

I'm going to try Augie's method of pellet training the RES & I'm thinking I'd like to keep them all caged to let 'em grow out a bit & hopefully be "extra" sure that I'm only putting RES & BRES in the pond. Will an 11-12 cu ft cage safely accommodate 100 2.5-3.5" fish for long enough to grow them out to say, 4-6"?

Last edited by CrazyCarl; 04/25/22 01:16 PM.