I have 4 ponds. One is a couple of acres, one a 1/4+ acre and a few smaller(now dry). We’ve had virtually no rain this year and everything is low or gone. We also had almost no winter weather.

Cormorants hit my big pond a couple of years ago and I restocked. I also strung lines across the pond to keep cormorants out. Everything going into last summer was looking good. However, we have had very little rain and the water levels dropped significantly. During this time, last September, my colon busted and I spent 25 days in ICU. When I was released, I had to almost re learn how to walk. Couldn’t pick up anything over 5 pounds, no 4 wheeler riding, etc. I was weak and had lost most of my arm and leg muscles. Doc’s told me that if I screwed up and busted stitches, they probably couldn’t save me. During this time, I was unable to monitor anything on my ponds or even visit them. I could walk the 100 yards to the closest pond but couldn’t make it back to the house. BTW, deer rifles all weigh more than 5 pounds so I had to skip hunting season. The lines that I strung over the big pond to deter cormorants needed to be dropped down due to declining water levels during drought. I couldn’t even walk the 100 yards to look at it. Thus, the birds were evidently able to get under the lines and pretty well clean me out. I have nothing or almost nothing coming to feed. Well, there are the 16 turtles.

They evidently also got to my smaller pond that had 7 or 8 catfish; about 4 to 5 pounds each and a heckuva lot of BG and GSF. One CC is now coming to feed and, as usual, an awful lot of GSF and BG. I had hoped that the tall, old growth, oaks would keep them from getting down and off from that pond. Evidently not.

I’m about 80 per cent on getting my health back but can do about anything. Bottom line is that I feel good and, other than weak legs, I’m ok.

I need to restock but not until significant rain occurs. For now, I have stopped the feeder and 4 wheeler the mile back to the small pond to toss feed. Those guys go nuts when they hear the 4 wheeler coming. I appreciate them.

So, next Spring, I’ll be, once again, restocking fatheads, bluegills and later some bass. This assumes that we get enough rain to even have ponds.

Last edited by Dave Davidson1; 04/20/22 08:24 AM.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP