Originally Posted by canyoncreek
Thoroughly confused.

Also for those in northern ponds (wisconsin) why would you run diffuser 24/7 in spring and fall? I can see a shallow water diffuser in winter for warm water refuge and avoid winter kill, I can see additional use in summer to keep up with turning water and maintaining oxygen, but in cool weather in spring and fall the water doesn't have a thermocline and carries sufficient oxygen by nature of increased dissolved O2 capacities in cool water. So why run the aerator 24/7 from say ice out to Mid May or from Sept till ice forms?

Probably not entirely necessary to run it 24-7 year round, but I do.
We get a lot of leaves, there was a fish die off with the previous owner, found at spring thaw.
I've successfully removed more than a foot of muck with my methods, and if things are working...

My pump is very efficient and don't mind it running year round. I believe it's actually easier on the pump to keep it running, than cycle it on/off.