I thought the article was interesting as well.

They started with 7000 BG in a 5 acre pond (1400/Acre), an amount I thought was kind of high for a trophy BG pond goal. In 3.5 years they have grown some to over 3 lbs. They mentioned culling which doesn't get talked about much (with Theo a notable exception). So I would have liked to hear more about their culling/harvest management. Just wondering also how many of the original 7000 remain and what their average weight is.

The other question I had is about whether the CNBG is a separate species and if so should its record be distinguished from NBG. Alabama is native to the NBG and I if I am not mistaken the current world record is NBG. The fish were really a sight to see with the candied apple sheen.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers