The problem is getting O2 to the cold water below the thermocline. Vertex has a system in the works that will do that (the OST system), but it's not developed enough yet for commercial sale - it's still in the "work out the bugs" stage. It works, and works well for oxygenating the lower reaches of a pond without disrupting the thermocline, but the materials to make the system and methods to install the system are being revamped due to poor supplies from Covid-19.

With that system you can twist a knob and increase the O2 levels at the bottom of the pond where the cool water is and have 2 different fisheries in a deep pond, a warm water fishery on top and a cool water fishery on the bottom.

It can also be made with an alum injector as part of the system so that people with high nutrient loads can lock up the excess nutrients. They can go from having 18" visibility to having 60" visibility just by dialing a knob to regulate the amount of alum going into a pond. Depending on the alkalinity of the pond, it can be either buffered or unbuffered alum.

It is NOT a DIY system, and never will be. The proprietary info that I know prohibits me from saying much more about it other than it uses a pump to pump water from the bottom of the pond, circulates it thru a system that adds O2 to it and the water is returned back to the bottom of the pond without changing the water temp or disrupting the thermocline.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).