Mr. Cody-

SSS is the only acronym I could find for Specklebelly BG. Southern Specklebelly Sunfish, I think? Near as I can tell, they seem to be a BG/RES hybrid, vs. the typical HBG.

I'm with you on the excavation & rock & have already discussed it with the neighbor. Knew I'd need the gravel & rock, but wasn't 100% on where to place it. We knew the excavation was going to be more work with the water situation, but that spring's also in the only spot on our property suitable for a pond. He's done several pond builds & repairs on older ponds, so he's no expert, but knows what he's about & what pitfalls to beware of.

Not sure where water clarity's gonna end up. It's been 5 days since any digging & no rain & visibility is about a foot. All runoff is/will be pasture kept for hay, so I'm hoping I don't get a ton of silt.

I'm a little concerned about about attempting a YP spawn this spring, with it being a brand new, raw hole in the ground with no food chain established aside from the FHM being planted at the same time. I do plan to feed pellets by hand, but picture that being a pain with a bunch of hungry, hungry little hippos dependent on feeding. Am I overthinking that?

Regardless, it looks like the consensus is put in the RES along with the FHM in spring. I'm definitely willing to try YP at the same time, if Mr. Cody recommends it. What about the hybrid BG? Same time frame or wait till fall '22? If I'm feeding pellets, it'll take enough pressure off the FHM to let them get going well also? Just to hedge my bets, I'd like to put in at least a couple of the hybrids in with the RES to get the monkey see, monkey do dynamic going with pellet training.

Going that route, when should I look at stocking the SMB & HSB? Spring '23? Hypothetically speaking, best case scenario, say I stock 50 Specklebelly, 50 RES, 25 YP, along with the FHM in spring & successfully pull off a successful YP spawn, how out of control could the YP get with a season with no predators? I know the hybrids & RES shouldn't get out of control too quickly, but not sure just how prolific YP are. Say I stock the bass in spring '23, will the 15 SMB & HSB be able to get 'em back under control? What size bass? 4"-6"? 6"-8"?

Anyone point me to a source for fish cages & traps, or how to make 'em?

Thanks again, for y'all's knowledge & advice. It is hugely appreciated.