Like Omaha said, you may want to wait on Golden Shiners. The magic there is to time their stocking so the adults don't become too large to be eaten by anything in the pond. They can easily get to 7"+, and they become nest thieves eating a lot of eggs that you want to hatch to become forage for the other fish.

RES (Redear Sunfish) are good for snail control which are a parasite vector, but I'm not sure that RES provide enough forage via reproduction. I think Pond Boss conventional wisdom says that standard Bluegill produce the best forage base.

"The spawn of the BCP, RES and YP should be forage for each other correct as well as the HSP?" -I really don't know the answer to that question. My guess would be no, the BCP, RES, and YP won't provide enough forage for any of the species to thrive. IIRC, all three of those species may only breed once a year, whereas standard bluegilll may spawn 2-3 times a year thus providing more forage base.

FHM and feeding will all help things, yet FHM populations will usually dwindle quickly to where if they even continue to exist, the numbers are too low to make a huge difference.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."