You are SOO correct! I think people do not realize the improtance of this matter!! The issues that Jersy is going through is REAL very REAL I have been where he is. It is crazy what you deal with. I work with personal lakes all the time. Sort of like a second hobby. I have personally owned two differnt peices of property with big lakes on them. Also I have been heavily involved with building my own. I have a brother who is just as involved with this process as I am. He owns a very large lake and is build two more. We know about the red tape of the Core of engineers. It is terrible, something really needs to be done about this. Every time I think about starting a lake design, the Core is ALWAYS the long pole in the tent. If I can get past these guys it is down hill from there.

What ever I have to do to support this I will. I think we need to form a group!!! No, I KNOW we need to form a group!!!!!!