
Sunil is partially correct about the govt. guys. They are not afraid of a lawsuit IF IF IF IF and only IF they are doing their job, complying to the law, and are not blowing smoke. If they are not complying to the law or if they are sluffing you off to please their management, they will fold with just a couple letters written by an attorney.

I was concerned with the statement that they had already turned you down before you filed because they "were discouraging people from building any more ponds." That is so bogus they need to have their whole organization disbanded.

Sometimes you just got to stand up for what is right. Sometimes it is as important as go to war, sometimes it is less important, like the right to have a pond.

I re-suggest an attorney....

An attorney will write a letter and request the organization SHOW CAUSE why the permit is not being considered or allowed.

A second letter would specifically address the reply and provide your attorney's interpetation of the law relative to the reason for denial. A third letter may be required, it would most likely request a formal hearing from the government agencies' counsel or board of governors that are required by law to resolve issues. Even the IRS has a procedure to resolve disputes.....

You can limit the amount you have to pay an attorney by hiring him or her by the hour. One letter, $$$,
Two letters, $$$$$$. Three letters, $$$$$$, Show up at a hearing... $$$$$$$ File a lawsuit... BIG BIG $$$$$.

If you get past the second letter, perhaps you could get some financial help with a hearing or lawsuit. Others in your region may be in the same fix. I know I would sure donate a bit of money to let the fed agencies know they are really not in control, the judges and legislatures are.... and that is another problem in itself....

Good luck, but bottom line, I would put up a dam good fight or put up a good dam and let them come after me....
