@Snipe: From what I've read, its only illegal to possess, transport, or release live White Perch in the western part of NC, which doesn't apply to me, and they aren't a protected game fish species, so I *may* be able to get away with some bucket-stocking. I just want to create a unique fishery, and leave out the typical BG-LMB. I'm fully aware of their reproduction rates, but worse case scenario, they overpopulate/stunt and provide my 2 other species with a ton of food. Best case scenario, I grow some huge WP and provide another species for my friends and family to enjoy.

@4CP: Yep, pretty much agree with your line of thinking here as well. It'll definitely be interesting, and like you said, its a small BoW so fixing an issue might not be too horrible. I'm still undecided, but I'm leaning towards giving WP a shot, unless someone can convince me to try something else lol.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice." - Donny Miller