Steve, as Bobbss said, good to hear your pond may come into existence this summer.
While I understand what Snipe is relaying about big Kansas BOWs getting over run and ruined by WP, your pond could be a wonderful experiment for this combination of 3 less common pond fishes.

I have no experience with any of these three, but if you would be willing and able to draw down and nuke your pond in the event of a negative WP explosion, you just might give it a chance. All those perch could become incredible forage for your non reproducing HSB and potentially minimally reproducing BCs.

The egg eating tendency of the perch could help lessen BC recruitment. The cats and wipers could eat enough perch to allow some to grow large enough to be interesting.

If you feed judiciously, depending on whenever or if your perch or your predators need a boost, you'd have a partial control of their success.

If things go haywire, drain and reset.

Like I say, this is all theoretical in my mind.

Good luck! We'll be watching.