Originally Posted by ewest
Originally Posted by Sunil
We have a crepe myrtle here in western PA, that looks like it died every spring, but in actuality, it's just a late bloomer.

It's an irritating plant as it exists right next to where I park my car, and it frequently impedes the drivers side door.
Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by Sunil
It's an irritating plant as it exists right next to where I park my car, and it frequently impedes the drivers side door.

If you sneak up from behind with your loppers, you can usually prune a few of the offending branches before the crepe myrtle knows you are there. grin

When a crepe myrtle is pruned (all its top limbs cut off) the pruner is called a crepe murderer.

Crape murder is a term credited to a 1997 article in Southern Living magazine that refers to the needless late fall and winter practice of cutting crapemyrtles down to stubs. Why Crape Murder? Many people commit crape murder because they think it promotes better blooms in the coming year.
Crape Murder - Southern Living Plants

Sunil, shame on you. Maybe you need a more agile chauffeur.