I have not seen any data/study that indicates that Fla LMB are less aggressive wrt spawning or fry protection. Yes on taking lures and feeding. But they do feed enough to get very fat and large.
If I were going to try to feed as contemplated to help LMB fry survival I would up the number of feedings a lot but keep it at 1 second . I would do so when you confirm that female LMB have dropped eggs and do so for 1 mth. Also you could help survival of LMB fry by placing thick cover a few feet (10) from the bed. Xmas trees would be good even if they float but are staked down. The idea is to keep the BG near the feeder. Plus they have small stomachs so frequent feeding may keep some (bigger ones) full.
This assumes there are not so many BG that the LMB sense a futile spawn attempt which is what usually leads to no LMB spawn - not predation after spawning.

Last edited by ewest; 03/17/21 04:41 PM.