Originally Posted by Bill Cody
Nice fish you have there. Your wife is probably now hooked on ice fishing. Remember to take her along whenever you need advice on the technique of how to catch them. What brand of fish food are you feeding those nice dandy sized fish? I'm jealous that you have good ice. I only have 2" here in NW OH.

Bill, I feed Optimal in the warm months, 50/50 mix of bluegill pellets and bass pellets. I only have the feeder set for 2 seconds throw, twice daily. That's about two bags per month. I've worked on improving BG bedding areas to pump up their reproduction a bit.

We have about 6" of ice currently. I started fishing on Dec 31st with 3 to 4 inches good clear ice.

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.