I think I'm in a situation where the cause is likely the cold snap we had in late september (teens for 2 days with snow) and after that we had a terrible explosion of algal growth, in part due to fallout of ash from colorado fires. Water temps dropped 30 degrees in 2 days then only rebounded back to barely 70. Water never did clear back up after that.
I ran aeration 24-7 after that event until water temps were about 47-48 then moved diffuser up to 3.5-4' and run 15 min at night and 15 min in day to keep diffuser clean and a short cycle on batts. Diffuser and pump are normal-no funky stuff there.
Area around 5-6' diameter hole is a grey foamy "sludge". Craws have it on their shells but haven't seen any dead fish and no foul smell.
Lusk said running aeration daily now is not going to help anything so it's kind of a done deal right now, it'll be a waiting game I guess. Nothing I can do but wait it out. Not happy but not much I can do..

EDIT: jpsdad, Lusk's first comment was "That's weird" so no smoking gun there either. Removed a lot of fish this summer with culling efforts and as you know, I also pulled over 425lbs of craws out too, so my biomass should be slightly lower than last fall/winter.

Last edited by Snipe; 12/24/20 02:59 AM.