I am concerned I am entering no man's land as far as forage for my growing trout. I am considering adding GSH in Spring 2021, but have my concerns. Here's the problem:

Assuming my trout survive this winter, I am expecting them to be in the 3-4lb range in 2021. The bulk of my food chain is fathead minnows, leeches and scuds. In the past, I have always had massive growth gains year over year and never had a worry. Now I am looking at possibly 3-4lb fish and wondering if the days of amazing growth are going to slow with such small forage items. It would not be an issue if the Brook Trout had been reproducing. So far there is no proof of reproduction so I am wondering what to do. GSH seem like the perfect fit size wise, etc. HOWEVER, Bill Cody posted one time that the ONLY time he had ever seen GSH become a problem was in a trout pond. I certainly don't want to introduce a problem. I also have winter DO issues that are not 100% solved - do not need to complicate that.

On the flip side maybe my forage situation will be fine?? Fly fisherman regularly catch huge trout on flies so small you can barely get the line through the eye of the hook. Maybe 3-4lb trout will have no issues filling up on scuds??? I have a hard time believing big fish would not grow faster eating 6" GSH.

If I decide to go with the GSH, I plan on ordering a pile of 4" and stocking them as soon as ice is off. I am aware of the parasite that limits reproductiveness.

Very interested in y'all's thoughts!!

Last edited by wbuffetjr; 12/08/20 06:18 AM.

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