Originally Posted by NEDOC
Originally Posted by canyoncreek
NEDOC, any way you can go back to the first page of this thread and restore the videos that were embedded of you feeding them? I'd love to keep those videos as part of thread going forward! I wanted to share this thread with a friend but those links are missing.

I just noticed the youtube I loaded today wasn't included. How do I go about restoring these videos?

Hey Doc,

It's just the embedding encoding for the links that is broken. If you click edit on your own post, you should be able to see the link and fix it. We'll just have to click on them:

Originally Posted by NEDOC

And what I was hoping to evolve to is having them hit strips of meat as I throw it into their cage. In this case it was a strip of tilapia. And they were only hitting about 50% of the ones I threw in. But 1) they may have been full and 2) it'll take some acclimation.


Ultimately, I'd like to progress to something like this. Keep in mind this is a feeding of my catfish....


Last edited by Bocomo; 08/20/20 10:54 AM.