I see this is an older post but I have a similar situation. We had a marshy area on our property and decided to dig it up...uncovering a natural spring. The flow is about 2 gal/min 120/hour. We ended up digging out a n area of 25' x 16' x 4-5' deep. Should the spring be piped to the top or is it ok on the bottom for filtration? There is a creek near by that I can run an overflow line to. Another question is : will there be enough volume of water for a few Bluegill and Koi? This year we will establish water plants and other vegetation for the pond. Once established we would like to introduce fish. Thanks

Attached Images
Pond 2020.jpg
Last edited by ScottFromOregon; 07/23/20 06:20 PM. Reason: added picture