
The problem I see with stocking BG fingerlings is that the effect is rather temporary and that it fails to address the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is that the pond produces insufficient BG fingerlings >3. I would argue that the 2-3 inch fingerlings will add little if any to the BG fingerling production. Indeed, I think they may actually inhibit the production of BG YOY until they are mostly consumed by LMB.

There are two approaches one may take. One can treat the symptom which would be like adding the BG that the pond cannot presently produce. Or one can treat the cause which would be like changing the population structure to produce more YOY than one could ever afford to buy.

If I were to spend $3,500 to improve my (hypothetical) bow, I would spend it on as many culling surveys as was needed, up to that amount, getting the population structure in line with the greatest production of 3" to 6" BG. I would do this because it would provide a longer lasting benefit and also produce more BG fingerlings even in the same year.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers