I am trying to create a northern style pond. The pond of choice is probably 1/5 of an acre in size, but is extremely rocks and has many boulders. Visibility is between 5-10 feet usually and the lake is about 13 feet deep. There is a large gravel hump in the middle which comes up about 5 ft below the surface. I was thinking about cleaning out the few fish in it and putting some smb, we, yp, white sucker, white perch, rock bass and some forage like golden shiner and crayfish. In order to get some good spawning i need to add gravel but ik there is already some in the lake. Once the lake is established i might add some white cats or cc. I have five ponds to play with but this one seems best for my northern pond. I am not sure what will spawn and what won't, but some people say walleye on rare occasions can. Any help is great.