I have a 1 acre new pond with an average depth of 7'. It is a dug pond and has a nice gravel bottom. In addition, I am "planting" a lot of pea gravel and rock structures from the many rocks around the farm.
After the pond filled in September, I did the typical stocking of FHM, RSF, and BG for forage and was planning on a LMB stocking late summer, or whenever appropriate. However, I have had a change of heart and am wondering if I could do a pure smallmouth stocking instead of LMB. I know the two won't coexist well, and I am fine with just SMB. I have been told they may not spawn, and I am OK with that, as well. I was raised on smallies and they are my favorite fish. Can it be done? Has anybody had success? Any big concerns?
Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!

PS- I did do a search for this topic as I know it is one that has been discussed many times...just couldn't find the easy answer.

