Without draining it I won't be able to compact it other than with an excavator. I think we can dig it out and bring in new clay but bringing a roller in is out of the question. I'm not sure the costs yet we have already spent a small fortune on this pond and I'm not sure the ROI is worth it. It gets down to a certain level and doesn't go any lower. If I hit the lottery it would be a no brainer to redo it. I appreciate the advice. Waiting to hear from my excavator guy on a costs. It would have to be done over the summer in the dry season. Right now it's rained so much we couldn't get anything big back to it anyways and since we never had winter it never froze. Probably with our wheat we are looking at late June or July before I combine the wheat. I thought about renting a bobcat E50 but not sure it is powerful enough to dig through some of the rock I think we would hit.