At the get together at my place Lusk talked about using dye to help control FA. My recollection was that it should only be used very early in the season, if fish production is the goal. By using it very early before the water is warm enough to get a good planktonic algae bloom it can shade out the FA which starts to grow in cold water very early on the bottom. That is usually late February early March at my latitude. He said if you use the dye later in the season it will also shade out the planktonic algae bloom which is the bottom of the food chain to jump start everything up the food chain.

As I recall he said treat early then let the dye dissipate naturally and not continue to add dye later in the season. Early season single treatment only. For good fish production. I suppose if a person is more inclined for aesthetics rather than fish production then using it later in the season might have other benefits.


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