If I remeber my genetics correctly...

When you cross two hybirds you get 50% hybrids (BG), 25% Bluegill (BB) and 25% Greens (GG). Remeber the "square"?
---B G

(in this example pure bluegill is BB and a hybrid is BG)

Unfortunatly fish are not 50% blue and 50% green
they are in reality bluegreen. When a fish lays an egg it has 1/2 of a genetic code. But it is not the same half that it got from one of its parents.
They (and us) recombine the chromosomes into new combinations of genes. So you will almost never (if ever)get a pure BG back from hybid parents. And I would think it is impossible after the first generation. If the F1 generation doesn't produce a pure bred bluegill then they never will.